Living on a fixed income can be very difficult. In some cases, families or individuals may have to choose whether to spend their money on food or paying the bills. There is
help being offered to those with low income and older individuals (65+). Applying to these benefits can help put some money back into their pockets and allow them to pay other bills. Today the Food Stamps program and CSFP have helped thousands of families, seniors with disabilities and low-income individuals have access to nutritious foods.

What is SNAP?
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) also known as Food Stamps is a government program that helps individuals buy healthy foods for a healthy diet. SNAP is one of the largest programs working to fight hunger in the United States. With the help of SNAP people can stretch their budget and use the money that would be spent on food could be used to pay medical bills, utilities or rent.
How Does Snap Work?
People who receive SNAP benefits will receive an EBT card which is similar to a debit card. With this card they are able to buy food items at their local store or places that accept SNAP EBT cards. Personal care items cannot be purchased with your EBT card.
Who is Eligible for SNAP?
If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can apply to the SNAP program. The requirements are:
Household income must be at or below a certain amount.
Household resources or assets, things such as savings books or bank accounts, must be at or below a certain amount.
Need Help Applying to SNAP?
If you need help applying for SNAP or any other benefit, contact the Area Agency on Aging Benefits Enrollment Center at 435-586-0170.
Commodity Supplemental Food Program
What is the Commodity Supplemental Food Program?

The CSFP is a program that provides a monthly food box to low-income seniors. These food boxes are specifically packed with softer foods for seniors. These senior food boxes can be delivered to your home if you are homebound or have a disability. Contact your local food bank to see if they can deliver to your home.
Applicants must fill out an application then be certified to receive the food box. Recertification is every 12 months.
What are the requirements to receive the Senior Food Box?
The person applying must reside in Utah.
Be over the age of 60
Have an income under 130% poverty guidelines.
For application assistance or to learn more about benefits available to you, call 435-586-0170. A Benefits Enrollment Counselor will be happy to assist with one or many applications.

Heidy Alvarez is the Benefits Enrollment
Center Coordinator for the Area Agency on Aging- Five County. She has a degree in Family Life and Human Development from Southern Utah University. She is passionate about improving the quality of life of those in need and loves to assist others with finding and applying for benefits to fill needs.